Adult Resources

Unlock a wealth of tools to guide you through those challenging conversations about drug and alcohol use with your child. From understanding your influential role in your child’s life to learning effective communication strategies, you’ll find a myriad of helpful resources here. Even when it seems tough, remember – your child is listening. Armed with the right information, you can make these conversations easier and more impactful.


We have a variety of resources for parents & teens who need guidance with substance abuse recovery & prevention.

Connect with safe homes in your community.

Resources for parents about substance abuse & recovery.

Resources for teens about substance abuse & recovery.

Educational, relationship-building activities & training. 

Parent Workshop

Mondays 5:30pm – 7:30pm, November 6th – December 11th 2023. No Meeting the week of Thanksgiving. Dinner and childcare provided. Walla Wall Community College – 1470 Bridget Street Clarkston. 

Guiding Good Choices® (GGC) is a completely free parent workshop developed by Communities that Care to provide parents with additional tools and skillsets to build healthy relationship with their kids. It is a five or six session program (pending on in-person or zoom setting) that is offered three times per-year where parents learn how to communicate with their kids through weekly family meetings and ways to provide their kids with the skills, opportunities and recognition that build long-term healthy behaviors.

Parents are the number one influence in a child’s life and EPIC wants to empower parents to support their children in making healthy life choices. GGC is an evidence based program that has shown results over the years in increasing youth resilience and reducing substance misuse and use.

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Prevention Information

Start Talking Now

Parents are the most powerful influence on your child’s life. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, your kid is listening. Check out Start Talking Now for suggestions about having the tough conversations surrounding alcohol and drug use.

Talk. They Hear You.

Even when it seems like they don’t hear you, your child is listening. Talking with them early and often can make the conversations easier. Check out Talk. They Hear You. for suggestions on getting the conversation started.

Starts with one

Talking to your teen about drugs can be tough, especially if you don’t feel prepared. Starts With One has resources to get you started, including information about safe storage of opioids, fentanyl and things to consider if your child is prescribed an opioid so you can go into the conversation armed with information.

Safe Storage & Presciption Medication Disposal

One of Clarkston EPICs goals is to reduce youth access to substances. To do so, we provide parents with lockboxes, free of charge, for medications, cannabis/THC products and vaping devices. We also partner with the Asotin County Sheriff and Clarkston Police Department to provide safe disposal through annual Prescription Take Back Day’s.

Teens are likely getting the drugs from someone they know — 75 percent of opioid misuse starts with people using medication that wasn’t prescribed for them, usually taken from a friend or family member. 

The report by the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows more than 7,000 confirmed cases of kids younger than six years old who have eaten marijuana edibles were reported to the nation’s poison control centers between 2017 and 2021.

Safely storing your prescription medications, cannabis or THC products and vape devises helps to keep our kids safe and prevent possible long-term struggles with substance use.


Get Involved.

Be part of the excitement as we lead community events, offer alternative activities, and provide support systems to reduce substance use. Join one of our committees focused on leadership, media, youth, parent outreach, or data and research, and help us make a lasting impact in our community.


Make a Difference.

We value each and every volunteer who shares their time and expertise to help us achieve our mission. As a Clarkston EPIC volunteer, you are not only contributing to the prevention of substance use and promotion of mental health, but you are also making a difference in the lives of countless individuals and families. We are grateful for your dedication and commitment to creating positive change.


Join the Movement.

Ready to be part of something incredible? Fill out the form to get in touch with us and learn more about how you can contribute to the success of Clarkston EPIC. Let’s work together to make our community safer, healthier, and stronger.

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